
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Megaman Legends 3... Canceled

Yes, it is very sad news. I just found out last night. I was so disappointed. I was going to buy a 3DS just for this game! The Legends Series was one of my favorites of the Mega Man games.  Capcom says it was because of "lack of support/interest" come on! What is that?  There are plenty of people who were looking forward to it (not to mention Megaman Universe, which was also canceled)! Part of the problem was there wasn't enough publicity, I mean unless you follow this stuff actively or heard it by word of mouth you probably didn't know anything about it.  Oh well, Capcom is really missing out.

On a good note though, my wife and I went to see Transformers 3 last night and it was Amazing!! I wasn't expecting it to be that good. We saw it in 3D (that was all the theater had that late) and I am very impressed with the advancements made in 3D technology. It actually looks like all the commercials said it would back in the day with those blue and red glasses!  So if you havent seen Transformers 3 yet, you definitely should!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Found one!

Well I just found the official Blogger app for Android. Gonna give it a shot and see how it does :) now I really wish I had my G1 keyboard :/

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Compassion + Mobile Updates!

Here is a video of the child sponsored by Shaun Groves, it just shows one of the many Amazing ways God uses Compassion International!

Definitely pray about it, and if you feel led, get involved! <3

Yes, it has been a while. So I figured since I'm on my phone a lot, why not use this new feature that Blogger has and link my phone to my account? So I did! Now I can post short updates to keep you all tuned in! I'm also going to try and find a mobile app for blogger so I can post full messages on the go! Also don't forget to check my twitter feed on the right for updates!