
Monday, May 2, 2011

AT&T = Bad

I just read that as of yesterday, AT&T is going to cap their DSL users, not just their cell phone users. You can read about it here:

Thanks for the tip Ethan!

I understand wanting to charge those who use more a higher fee, but I think they should also lower the cost of those who don't come anywhere near that cap limit. It should work both ways. I am not a big fan of internet caps. Which is why I have had my cell phone service with T-Mobile for years now. I had considered switching to AT&T for better cell coverage, but now I will never switch to AT&T for anything!!! If AT&T buys out T-Mobile like they are wanting (hopefully the government will prevent this), I will be switching to Verizon, which everyone that knows me knows it's like a sin! Or possibly Sprint, you know, go with the underdog

So for those of you who don't like Caps on your usage, you should leave AT&T, and fast! Boycott them! We should not let AT&T control the market, it's not fair.

What do you think?